住房 & 社区发展



The 住房 and 社区发展 Division enhances the Salinas community by assisting low and moderate income families, 减少贫民窟和枯萎病, and responding to emergencies through the administration of grants allocated by the U.S. Department of 住房 and Urban Development, California Department of 住房 & 社区发展及其他房屋资源. 每年, the Division effectively manages three HUD grants: 社区发展 Block grant (CDBG), 首页投资伙伴计划(首页), 及紧急住所补助金. 除了, the Division actively fosters housing development by creating incentives (density bonus) and regulations (inclusionary housing), 保存现有经济适用房, 并资助开发新的经济适用房. 除了, the Division also provides services and assistance for the unsheltered households in our community. 


才有资格获得联邦拨款, the City must comply with an array of statutory and regulatory requirements and generate a key series of documents and reports including the Five-Year 整合计划, 年度行动计划(“AAP”), the 年度综合绩效和评估报告 ("CAPER"), 公民参与计划, 公平住房选择的障碍分析(AI), 和社区振兴策略区(NRSA). For a brief description of the plans and reports as well as current documents, 请按以下部分:


The 整合计划 (CON Plan) is a five year strategic plan that identifies the City's goals for federal funding programs provided through HUD, 包括CDBG, 首页, 和环境、社会和治理. The CON Plan provides a framework for identifying priorities and programs to address affordable housing, 社区发展需要, homelessness and public services for extremely low- up to moderate-income families, 残疾人士, 老年人, 和青年.

Understanding the needs of a community is critical to planning the use of federal grant funds. 作为2020-24年综合规划进程的一部分, staff engaged the community using various methods to gather information about housing, 社区空间和基础设施, 以及萨利纳斯的公共服务需求. CON计划通过年度行动计划实施, 哪些提供了行动的简明总结, 活动, and the specific federal and non-federal resources that will be used each year to address the priority needs and specific goals identified by the CON Plan.

CON计划2020-24财年(PDF, 29个mb)


The 年度行动计划(AAP) provides a concise summary of the actions, 活动, and the specific federal and non-federal resources that will be used each year to address the priority needs and specific goals identified by the 整合计划 (CON Plan). The purpose of the AAP is to review and update those assessments presented in the CON Plan; to inventory resources that will be available during a given program year (fiscal year); and to identify the specific actions that will be taken in that program year to meet the city’s 住房 and 社区发展 needs, 以及实施《lol靠谱菠菜平台》所载的策略. AAP每年在5月15日之前提交给HUD.



作为联邦津贴城市, 萨利纳斯从住房和城市发展部获得资金, and is required to report and monitor spending through the 综合年度表现及评估报告(CAPER). 这个城市 is required to submit an Annual Performance Report to HUD within 90 days of the close of a grantee’s program year (fiscal year), 根据 CON Plan法规.

Annual Performance reports are used to meet three basic purposes:

  1. Provide HUD with necessary information to assess each grantee’s ability to carry out its programs in compliance with applicable regulations and requirements; 
  2. Provide information necessary for HUD to report to Congress; and
  3. Provide grantees with an opportunity to describe its program achievements with their citizens. 


不时地, it may be necessary for the City to process a “Substantial Amendment” to the Five Year 整合计划 or the 年度行动计划s to allow for new CDBG, 首页, or ESG funded 活动; modification of existing 活动; or other CPD program administrative actions.


  • For larger projects, over $200,000, an increase of 25 percent or more in project funding. Changes that are less than $50,000 are not considered substantial.
  • 项目受益人增加25%或更多.e. 收入群体, 有限的客户群体, 目标地区的居民)或目的的改变, scope or location which would change the project beneficiaries by more than 25 percent or,
  • 由社区发展总监作出的决定, that the change is substantial even though it falls below the standards in Section 1 and 2 above.
  • 对于ESG组件, as long as the maximum 60% threshold for Street Outreach and Emergency Shelter is not exceeded, funding can be moved within the other components to meet expenditure requirements without a substantial amendment.

这个城市, in consultation with the 住房 and Land Use Committee will select alternate housing projects during each funding cycle which can be implemented if an approved project does not achieve milestones set at the time of funding, 项目中止或延期, or for whatever other reason an approved project is unable to perform in a timely manner.

2017-18财政年度的实质性修订, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 以及2022-23年度行动计划摘要

City-of-Salinas-FY-22-23-AAP-Substantial-Amendment-Summary-11.04.23.pdf(PDF, 222 kb)



The 公民参与计划 (CPP) sets forth policies and procedures to provide for and encourage participation by the residents of the City in the development of the City’s 整合计划 (Con Plan), 年度行动计划(AAP), 综合年度表现及评估报告(CAPER), 社区振兴策略区, Section 108 and Analysis of Impediments to Fair 住房 Choice (AI).

5月26日, 2020, the City Council approved amendments to the CPP to incorporate flexibility to hold meetings virtually, 在紧急情况下,简化通知期限, 并根据现行联邦法规更新CPP.

CCP fy 23-24(PDF, 357 kb)