
Mixed Use Development at 504 Abbott Street



snapshot of the Salinas 分区 map hovering over the Downtown, Alisal, Hartnell College and Carr Lake Area

Dick Bruhn Building Adaptive Re-use



The 现策划科 promotes a vibrant and sustainable Salinas by ensuring that development conforms to our General Plan and 分区 Code or any other applicable regulations and standards. 具体地说, Current 规划 is tasked with efficiently processing various applications including: General Plan and 分区 Code 修正案, 区域差异, 规划单位发展许可证, 暂定图和包裹图, 有条件使用许可证, 地盘图则检讨, 临时使用土地许可证, 居屋许可证, Master Sign Plans and 标志许可. Staff also coordinate environmental evaluations (CEQA) for all development projects.


In the Fiscal Year of 2021-2022 the Division:
  • Processed approximately 565 land use entitlements.
  • Approved 135 Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Building Permits.
  • Processed land use permits on developments including the Alameda Apartments, a 110-unit Mixed Use development on Abbott Street and Alameda Avenue; 公园ide Manor, an 80-unit affordable Senior 住房 complex; adaptive reuse of the Dick Bruhn Building into a mixed-use building with 19 residential units; the 73-acre Carr Lake park and wetlands restoration; and adaptive reuse of the Rabo Bank building, 一栋有50个单元的混合用途建筑.
  • Protect the health and safety of Salinas residents by approving landscape permits, and enforcing existing landscaping requirements on private property.
  • Identification of challenges or issues with the existing General Plan and 分区 Code to eliminate barriers to healthy economic development.
  • Enhanced coordination between 允许服务, 代码执行, and Current 规划 Staff in order to manage cases seamlessly through the process.
  • Assisted approximately 1,575 customers at the public counter.

an approved ADU in Salinas, blue and matches house

A detached ADU permitted in Salinas in 2022